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Dentures - Toronto - Danforth

Which dentures are best for me?

There are many types of dentures that you might consider, and with so many options, you might wonder which dentures are right for you. There are partial dentures, denture bridges, full dentures, permanent and snap-in dentures. Permanent (or fixed) and snap-in dentures make use of denture implants. To understand your denture options and determine which dentures Toronto Danforth are your best choice, you will need to find a denturist.

Determining if dental implants are an option for you will depend on several factors including the health of your jawbone and jaw joints, your lifestyle and goal for your dentures. Finding the right denturist for you in Danforth Toronto who can help you make that choice might be a challenge.

No one should have difficulty making the right choice regarding dentures

At Twogether Dentures, denturist Meri Paparisto has helped hundreds of patients get the dentures, including dental implants, that work best for them.

She is a member of the Denturist Association of Ontario, and she is also a clinical and laboratory instructor in the Denturism program at Trillium College.


What are full and partial dentures?

toronto full partial dentures
Some patients only need several teeth removed as opposed to all of their teeth. They can have a custom fit partial denture which fills the space where the removed teeth used to be, leaving your natural teeth in place. Other patients require all of their teeth removed and they will need a full set of dentures. Losing any number of teeth can affect your self esteem which is why it is important to obtain high quality, well fitting dentures that are comfortable and enable you to keep your best smile.

What are flexible or snap in dentures?

You have heard of dentures and of dental implants, but maybe you haven’t heard that they can be combined. One of the main issues denture wearers face is how the dentures move around a little in their mouths.
Denture implants are used for fixed dentures and for snap-in removable dentures.  Denture implants hold the dentures in place and make them stable. They act as anchors for the dentures, and this improves your ability to chew more challenging or stickier foods. One of the other benefits of denture implants is that they preserve the jawbone from further bone loss from the removal of your teeth.
All dentures have their pros and cons. Removable dentures are taken out at night for cleaning. Fixed dentures can only be removed by the dentist. Removable dentures can slip out of place whereas permanent ones cannot. Fixed dentures generally cost more than removable ones because they may need more implants or possibly an attachment bar to ensure they are secure in place.
Meri Paparisto is able to determine and recommend the best option for your dentures in Toronto Danforth.

Don’t go with “Maybe Later…”

dentures options toronto
  • Stop waiting to get your dentures
  • End the worries about getting the right ones
  • Forget getting dentures that don’t work for you
  • Stop wasting time looking for a denturist
  • Leave your worries about dentures behind

Instead, go with “Let’s do this!”

dentures solutions toronto
  • Get your dentures and peace of mind
  • Have an easier time chewing and smiling
  • Enjoy comfortable dentures that fit you properly
  • Relax knowing a denturist who knows what you need
  • Be worry free about your dentures going forward

Let Toronto Denturist Meri Paparisto help you get the right dentures for you!

Call 416-465-6303 Today!


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