All-on-4 Dental Implants

Get A Flexible No-Interest Payment Plan For Your All On Four Treatment At Twogether Dentures

What Are All-on-4 Dental Implants

All-on-4 dental implants are a dental restoration technique for patients who have lost all of the teeth in one or both jaws.

Using this innovative technique, your dentist can securely attach a new porcelain denture to your jawbone using just 4 implants. If you're missing several teeth in your upper or lower arch, All-on-4 is the modern tooth replacement solution.

What Are the Benefits?

The All-on-4 technique offers patients many benefits including:
Stability and a Secure Fit - All On Four dental implants will not slip or shift when you eat, laugh and speak
Aesthetics - All on Four restorations can give you a Hollywood smile while matching your natural teeth
Communication - All-on-4 dental implants will help you speak more clearly
Eating - All on Four improves your bite force so you can enjoy your favourite foods
Appearance - All on 4 dental implants will help you avoid sunken cheeks due to bone loss

What Are the Disadvantages

All-on-Four is the most modern solution for tooth loss available today however there are a few disadvantages
Cost - All on 4 is more expensive than a traditional implant which is why we offer 0 interest payment plans
A Surgical Solution - All-on-4 requires a minor surgical procedure which carries some risk. Talk to your dentist to learn more.

How Much Do All On 4 Dental Implants Cost in Toronto?

All on 4 treatment cost can vary depending on a number of factors related to the patient and the clinic providing the treatment. On average, the cost of an All-on-4 procedure is between $15,000 and $25,000. In most cases, a variance in price range is related to the complexity of each individual patient case. Pricing at the higher end of this range will typically involve several pre-treatments that are needed to before the All-on-4 treatment such as dental extractions, bone grafting and sinus lifts. Pricing at the lower end of this range would typically involve a more straighforward procedure.

can i get all-on-4 years after extraction?

Yes, you can still get All On 4 treatment years after your natural teeth were lost or extracted. However, if it has been a number of years since the tooth loss or extraction occurred, you may require additional treatment before starting All-on-4. This is because when teeth are removed, structural changes begin to occur in the jaw. This causes your teeth to shift and the bone in your jaw to degrade.

To solve this, your dentist may need to add bone in your jaw to support your implants. This procedure is know as bone grafting and it's purpose is to add the structural foundation your jaw will need to support each of your 4 implants.

To determine whether you're eligible for the All-on-4 treatment, you must book a consultation with a qualified dental / denture specialist. Consulting with a professional is the only way to determine eligibility for treatment and the scope of the work involved.

All-on-4 - Before and After Results

Here is an example of a completed All-on-4 dental implant restoration. In this example, our patient Pjeter T of Toronto replaced his entire upper arch with four implants and a snap-in denture.
Patient Pjeter T of Toronto after All-on-4 treatment at Twogether Dentures

All-on-4 Dental Implant Treatment

Starting from an unbeatable $11,000 per arch, our custom-built All-on-4 dental implants look and feel just like natural teeth.

When compared to traditional dentures, this premium All-on-4 solution offers an exceptional level of comfort, stability and durability.

With these dentures, you never have to worry about the discomfort of a loose fitting denture. Plus, you can eat, brush and floss normally.

Want to know if All-on-4 is the right treatment for you? Get all the answers you need with a fast and free treatment consultation.
photo of an all on 4 dental implant
Priced from $11,000 per arch, our All-on-4 Implant Dentures offer an unparalled level of comfort, stability and durability
Photo of Meri Paparisto and Iliana Paparisto at Twogether Dentures.
Dr. Iliana Paparisto, DDS, DMD and Denturist Meri Paparisto

Why Choose Us?

Meet Your All On 4 Treatment Team
At Twogether Dentures, you'll receive treatment from Dr. Iliana Paparisto, DDS, DMD and Meri Paparisto, DD.

Combined, Iliana and Meri have more than 20 years experience working in Dentistry. Dr. Paparisto is an internationally trained who has practiced in Paris, Stockholm and Toronto. Meri, is a former denture instructor with more than 16 years experience as a licensed denturist.

Working TWOgether from their Danforth Avenue clinic, Meri and Iliana provide comprehensive implant and denture care including pre and post treatment support, adjustments and maintenance.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

Every all-on-4 treatment at Twogether Dentures is backed by our 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.

That means if you're not happy with the fit or finish of your dental implant or denture, we'll either fix it or replace it at no-charge**.
** Some conditions apply. Book a free consultation for more info.

Simple, Transparent Pricing & Payment Plans

No hidden fees, and no surprises! At Twogether Dentures, the price we quote is the price you'll pay. Guaranteed!

Using our transparent pricing approach, we'll break the treatment costs down for you step-by-step so that you'll never be surprised by an undisclosed fee.

Plus, with our 0% Payment Plans, we've made the All-on-4 affordable and accessible to every patient.

For a small downpayment on your credit card, you can start treatment right away and then pay for the rest of your treatment using monthly installments.

To find out more about All-on-4 financing, call 416-465-6303 today!

Book An Appointment

Reserve Your Free In-Person Evaluation at Twogether Dentures Today!

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Have a question about our treatments or services? Call us at 416-465-6303 between 9:30am and 5:00pm EST time. We look forward to hearing from you!

Our Location, Hours and Contact Info

288b Danforth Ave. Toronto, Ontario M4K1N6
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday9:30 am – 5:00 pm
Thursday9:30 am – 6:00 pm
Friday9:30 am – 3:00 pm
Saturday9:30 am – 2:00 pm


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