Meri Paparisto - Denture Clinic

Denture Clinic Appointments

Looking for a trusted denture clinic in Toronto? At Twogether Dentures, we specialize in creating custom-fit dentures, offering same-day repairs, and providing expert care for every patient. Whether you need a full denture replacement, partial dentures, or emergency repairs, our experienced team ensures your comfort and confidence. As a leading Toronto denture clinic, we accept all insurance, including CDCP, and offer financing options.

Book Appointment

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Are You Covered By The CDCP?

Why Choose Our Denture Clinic?

Experience: Since 2007 — we tackle the most complicated denture cases and restorations.
Same-Day Repairs: Need urgent denture repairs? We offer quick, reliable fixes, while you wait.
Custom Fit & Comfort: We ensure every denture fits perfectly for long-lasting comfort.
CDCP & Insurance: Our denture clinic is a CDCP member. We accept all major insurance plans.
Financing Available: We provide flexible payment options through Dentalcard by iFinance.

Our Denture Clinic Services

Photo of Meri Paparisto and Iliana Paparisto at Twogether Dentures.
Dr. Iliana Paparisto, DDS and Meri Paparisto, DD
At Twogether Dentures, you'll receive comprehensive dental and denture care thanks to our full-time dentist in-house denture lab. 

For dentures, bridges, implants and crowns, our denture clinic provides  the most convenient, fast and affordable denture care in Toronto.
Complete Dentures: For upper or lower arch restorations.
Partial Dentures: Custom restorations for missing teeth.
Denture Implants: Secure, long-term denture solutions.
Flexible Dentures: Lightweight, comfortable, convenient.
Same-Day Denture Repairs: Emergency denture repairs.
Dental Flippers: Same-day replacement for a missing tooth.

Frequently Asked Questions About Our Denture Clinic

When selecting a denture clinic in Toronto, consider experience, patient reviews, and whether they offer custom-fit solutions and same-day repairs. At Twogether Dentures, we provide all these services with expert care.
Yes, our denture clinic accepts all major insurance plans.
Yes! We are proud to offer CDCP coverage.
We offer same-day denture repairs at our clinic. If you need an urgent same-day repair, it's important call early to book an appointment! 
Yes! Our dental flipper service can replace a missing tooth in one day while you wait. It usually takes 3 hours so it's important call and book your appointment early.
We have ample street parking and a GreenP parking lot is just a few meters from our front door.

Find Our Toronto Denture Clinic

Our office is located at 288b Danforth Ave on the second floor. 

You'll find us just a 5 minute walk from either the Broadview or Chester subway stations. 

Street parking is available along  both sides of Danforth Avenue. Additionally, there is a GreenP parking lot just a few doors down.

For early morning or late evening appointments, please call 416-465-6303.
Photo of the Front-Desk at Twogether Dentures, a denture clinic in East York.
Open Saturdays and Until 6pm on Thursdays.

Our Denture Clinic Hours

Mon: 9:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.
Tues: 9:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.
Wed: 9:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.
Thurs: 9:30 a.m. — 6:00 p.m.
Fri: 9:30 a.m. — 3:00 p.m.
Sat: 9:30 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.
Sun: Closed


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