I Think I Need Dentures: Where Do I Start? 

Written By Meri Paparisto, DD on Sept 3, 2024

If You Think You Might Need Dentures? Here's Where To Start...

At Twogether Dentures, we realize losing teeth is upsetting, but we are here to help you navigate the process and discover the best solution for replacing your missing teeth. Often, that will be with dentures.

The first thing is not to panic; schedule a free consultation so we can assess your mouth properly.

How We Can Help You

When you come to see us, we can gently assess your mouth. We may take dental X-rays of teeth that are painful or loose. The images help us determine if those teeth can be saved.

We always try to save natural teeth since they are your best option. The sooner you visit with a dental problem, the greater the chance we can save teeth.

When Can Teeth Be Saved?

Teeth that are infected or decayed can sometimes be saved with root canal therapy. Root canal treatment is not painful, will eliminate toothache, and can help restore the tooth, preserving and protecting it for years.

Unfortunately, we cannot save every tooth. When this is the case, we can arrange their removal and discuss how best to replace them.

Ensuring Tooth Removals Are Quick and Painless

It doesn’t take long to remove a tooth. We ensure you cannot feel a thing by numbing the area before we begin treatment. Afterwards, we will give you plenty of advice on caring for your mouth while it heals.

Most people find healing is smooth and uneventful, but if you have any questions or concerns, we are just a phone call away.

I Think I Need Dentures, Where Do I Start?
Photo Example of Dentures Before And After 

Tooth Replacement Options

We recommend considering how you will replace missing teeth before they are removed so we can create a suitable custom treatment plan for you and ensure your teeth are replaced as quickly as possible.

Options include:

  • Tooth-supported denture bridge.
  • Dental implant teeth.
  • Dentures.

Tooth-Supported Dental Bridge

A dental bridge supported by your natural teeth relies on them being strong enough to hold the bridge securely. If these teeth are failing, it could weaken them further or make them unsuitable to support a bridge.

Dental Implant Teeth

Dental implants require oral surgery and take a while to complete. They are costlier than dentures.


Dentures are cost-effective and non-invasive to make and fit. They can replace one or more missing teeth. We can provide immediate (temporary) dentures that are fitted soon after tooth removal.

Modern Dentures Custom-Designed Especially for You

Today’s dentures are not your granny’s dentures.

Nowadays, denture teeth look very natural, and there is a huge range available. Meri, our Denturist, can help you select the perfect teeth for your new look.

We make your dentures to compliment your facial features, skin tone and gender. Some are flexible for a more comfortable fit. Best of all, they can be fabricated without requiring more invasive procedures or injections.

How Much Will Dentures Cost?

The price depends on the number of teeth to be replaced and the quality of your denture teeth. It also depends on whether you need teeth removed or an immediate denture.

We follow the pricing guidelines suggested by the Ontario Dental Association and can provide a firmer estimate after your first consultation.

As a guide, expect to pay $1115 for a complete upper denture. A complete lower denture can cost from $1419. A partial upper or lower denture can cost from $775. Dental lab fees are added to these prices to accommodate your choice of denture teeth and materials.

Are you ready to learn more? Book your free consultation today.

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Dr. Iliana Paparisto
This article was medically reviewed by Dr. Iliana Paparisto, DDS, DMD on Sept 5, 2024


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