Partial Dentures Toronto

Affordable Partial Dentures - Ready in Just 5 Days!

Searching for Partial Dentures in Toronto? We offer many custom options including Acrylic, Cast Metal and softer Flexible Partial Dentures. For a new smile that’s fast and affordable, call us Twogether Dentures today!

partial dentures toronto
Here's Patient Stephanie Y of Toronto With Her New Partial Dentures

Toronto's Denture Experts Since 2007

Since 2007, we've helped more than 500 denture patients rebuild their smile!

Free Consults Plus CDCP Coverage

Consultations are 100% free. Yes, we are enrolled in the CDCP.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee on Partial Dentures
All new dentures are backed our 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Partial Acrylic Denture Toronto
Photo of a Partial Denture by Twogether Dentures

Over 500 Satisfied Partial Denture Patients in Toronto

Partial Acrylic Denture Toronto
Photo of a Partial Denture Made By Denturist Meri Paparisto of Twogether Dentures
"Meri is an artist, expert at her craft. I have never had a partial fit so well!!! God bless you Meri!"

June Chamberlain, Toronto
Read June's Review on Google

What Are Partial Dentures?

A partial denture, aka removable denture or partial plate is a type of denture designed to replace on or more missing upper or lower teeth.

It's most common use case is to renew the aesthetic and functional issues caused by minor tooth loss.
An Example of a Partial Denture

Benefits of Partial Dentures

  1. Partial Dentures are more affordable than implants and bridges
  2. Partial Dentures can be customized to look and feel like your normal teeth
  3. It's discrete - no one will notice you're wearning a partial denture
An Example of a Partial Denture

Partial Denture Before & After 

Before Treatment
After Treatment
Before Treatment
After Treatment

Free One Partial Denture Estimates

Photo of Twogether Dentures Owner Meri Paparisto
Denturist and Owner Meri Paparisto

We offer free consultations and craft all our dentures on-site in our lab at 288 Danforth Ave. That means you'll get your denture faster, and for less than most other clinics.

Interested? Here's What Happens During Your Partial Denture Consultation:

  1. First, we'll discuss different treatment options
  2. Next, if you choose to move forward with treatment, we'll take a digital impression of your mouth
  3. Finally, in about 5 days, your new partial will be ready

For a comfortable and stable fitting partial denture that's affordable and durable, call 416-465-6303!

Need it Faster Than 5 Days? 

Give us a call and we'll see if we can put a rush on it! 

Book Your Free Consultation By Phone
Or Book Online

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Partial Dentures Toronto - Why Choose Us?

Creating Great Dentures Since 2007

Meri, your Denturist has over 16 years experience and has helped hundreds of Toronto patients regain their smile and their confidence!

If you're missing one or more teeth, Meri can rebuild your smile and help you regain the normal function of your teeth.
  • Patient Michelle A of Toronto received a Partial Denture with Meri in Sept 2023!

Partial Dentures FAQs

Initially, some patients may experience discomfort or adjustment issues, but with time, most people find partial dentures comfortable. Proper fitting and adjustments by a dentist can enhance comfort.
To care for partial dentures, remove them for cleaning after meals. Brush them gently with a denture brush and mild soap. Soak them overnight in a denture cleaning solution. Regular dental check-ups are essential for adjustments and overall oral health.
Yes! Dental insurance coverage for partial dentures varies among providers and plans. While some insurance plans may cover a portion of the cost, others may not cover it at all. Not sure if you're covered? Let us handle it. We'll call your insurance provider free of charge and let you know what's covered and what's not.
Yes, you can eat with partial dentures, but it's recommended to start with softer foods and gradually reintroduce harder items. Avoid biting directly into very hard or sticky foods to prevent damage to the dentures.
The lifespan of partial dentures varies, but with proper care, they can last for several years. Over time, adjustments or replacements may be necessary due to changes in the oral structure or wear and tear.
While it's generally safe to sleep with partial dentures occasionally, it's recommended to remove them at night to give your gums and jaw a rest. Consult with your dentist for personalized advice based on your oral health.
Yes! And, we do repairs free for 2 years.
Yes! We are proud to be enrolled in the CDCP program. 

Are Partial Dentures The Right Solution For You?

Find Out In 2 Easy Steps!
Step 1: Book Your Free Consultation
Talking to a denture expert is the only way to find the denture treatment that's best for you.

• Takes 15 Minutes
• Start With A Call
• Or Visit In-Person
Step 2: Get Your Treatment Plan
Attend your consultation to receive your personalized treatment plan and quote.
Remember, you're in control. Walk away at any time. We do not use high-pressure sales tactics!
Book Your Free Consultation Today!
Or Book Online

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Get 2 Years Unlimited Repairs & Adjustments!
Did We Mention New Dentures Get 2 Years of Free Repairs and Adjustments
Satisfaction Guaranteed
If You're Not Happy With Your New Denture, We'll Fix it For Free!
Located steps away from Broadview TTC Station
288b Danforth Avenue
Toronto, ON
M4K 1N6

Need Help? Have A Question?
Book A Free 15 Min Phone Consultation With the Denturist Today
Call Us At: 416-465-6303


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